APY Volunteer programe was established to provide world wide leadership and expertise on volunteer engagement to increase the participation, quality, and diversity of volunteer experiences. Since 2016 we have collaborated closely with volunteer centres, businesses, non-profit organizations, government and educational institutions to promote and broaden volunteering. Our programs, research, training, tools, resources and national initiatives provide leadership on issues and trends in Asia Pacifc Countries’ volunteer landscape.
build strong and connected communities to create a vibrant Asia Pacific countries.
Asia Pacific YouthForce provides international leadership and expertise on volunteerism to increase the participation, quality and diversity of volunteer experiences.
Who we work with
Volunteer centres
Volunteer Centre Council (VCC)
Non-profit organizations
Educational institutions
What we do
Provide leadership and expertise on volunteerism.
Promote and facilitate volunteer engagement.
Convene, connect, and collaborate with all sectors
Each year, we strive to transform lives and strengthen communities worldwide.
community members served annually
Across the Asia Pacific countries, our APYs reach thousands of people in 100 communities.
pounds of groceries
We provide millions of pounds of groceries to families each month.
camp programs globally
Our day and overnight camps empowered kids and youth by building lifelong skills, confidence and friendships.
APYs across the Asia Pacific countries.
APYs reach millions of people across 2O countries.
Our Program
Volunteer Organization
NGOs Marcomm
Analysis & Report
asia pacific youthforce © 2016