• Asia Pacific YouthForce is helping organizations like yours change the world. We understand your commitment to the environment, to plant-based products, and to a kinder world. That’s why we think you’ll want to work with us. We will be your advocate, taking your word out to the world to create change. We’ll promote your animal-friendly or environmentally-conscious brand as if the planet depends on it (and we think it does). That’s a message people want to hear more about. And, if we have anything to do with it, they will.

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  • Our Program

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    Volunteer Organization

    APY Volunteer programe was established to provide world wide leadership and expertise on volunteer engagement to increase the participation, quality, and diversity of volunteer experiences. Since 2016 we have collaborated closely with volunteer centres, businesses, non-profit organizations, government and educational institutions to promote and broaden volunteering. Our programs, research, training, tools, resources and national initiatives provide leadership on issues and trends in Asia Pacifc Countries’ volunteer landscape.

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    NGOs Marcomm

    • Award Recognition
    • Blogs
    • Brand Promotions
    • Communications Strategy
    • Content Creation
    • Corporate Communications
    • Crisis Management
    • Event Management
    • Grant Support
    • Investor Relations
    • Issues Analysis/Risk Assessment
    • Media Relations
    • Media Training
    • Reputation Management
    • Social Media
    • Speaking Engagements
    • Strategic Planning
    • Trade Show Planning and Support
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    Analysis & Report

    Who We Champion
    • Animal Welfare Organizations
    • Cruelty-Free Brands
    • Environmentally-Friendly Businesses/Products
    • Green Tech
    • Nonprofit Campaigns
    • Plant-Based or Vegan Businesses
    • Renewable Energy
  • Our Project

    We believe that exploring the world is a profoundly worthwhile rite of passage for everyone. However, we also know that travelling overseas comes at an environmental cost. Long-haul flights emit carbon which contributes to climate change if it's not offset. We have a responsibility to travel...
  • Connect With Us

    Make sure to add links to the icons!

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